Emergency Solutions

The purpose of the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program is to assist disabled individuals and families by helping them quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. ESG provides grants by formula to states, metropolitan cities, urban counties, and U.S. territories to support homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, and related services. The grant allows our agency the ability to be able to help with rental arrears (past due rent) as well as security deposits and rental assistance. We assist participants by providing a range of supportive services designed to resolve the immediate crisis and promote housing stability. We provide the following services through our ESG Program:
- Outreach Services
- Case Management Services
- Assistance in Obtaining Mental Health Resources
- Assistance in Obtaining and Coordinating Other Public Benefits Available in the Grantee's Area or Community
- The payment of temporary financial assistance directly to a third party for certain eligible expenses (e.g., rental arrears, security deposit, rent)
Pre-Screen Documents Include:
- Proof of disability
- Imminent Risk: Homeless Certificate (CES print off), DSS Homeless Certificate, Eviction notice, CODES notice to vacate, domestic violence. MUST BE WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION!
- Income documentation/verification for everyone who has any type of income in the household.
- Bank statements for past 30 days for every bank account in household.
- Social Security Card for all household members.
- Photo ID (18yrs or older) or Birth Certificate for all household members.
- Department of Social Services proof that client went and applied for assistance. Acceptance, or denial letter.
If you would like to see if you are eligible, or you would like to apply for assistance through this program today, contact Blake Arcuri at 315-765-0975 Ext. 206.