2025 Parade Applications for Memorial Day and July 4th Parades Click here for Applications

2025 Parade Applications for Memorial Day and July 4th Parades Click here for Applications

What We Do

The Utica Center for Development has a mission to assist those in need of basic human necessities throughout the organization's service area. The Central New York Veterans Outreach Center (CNYVOC), a division of the UCD, offers programs specializing in veteran-specific needs for successful societal reintegration post-military life. The organization's philosophy is to meet the unmet needs of society and fill gaps of services within the community.

Case managers at the UCD/Veteran's Outreach Center have been serving the veteran populations in Utica, Watertown, and Delaware County since the start of the organization in 2007. Since then, the VOC has collaborated with VA HUD-VASH, local representatives of the US Department of Veterans Affairs, the local Departments of Social Services, Catholic Charities, and other supporting agencies to support local Veterans and their families.

CNYVOC is in the process of creating a resourceful, one-stop facility in Utica for veterans residing throughout Central New York. This facility offers, among other services:

  • Transitional housing for homeless veterans with permanent housing for disabled and elderly veterans
  • Case management
  • Referrals to legal assistance
  • Referrals to VA benefits
  • Food pantry/donation room
  • Medical Transportation
  • Housing assistance for those who qualify
  • Peer to Peer Support
  • Suicide Prevention Programs

 We also offer youth programs, gym rentals for the community, monthly events, and much more. We are committed to helping and serving our veterans and community in any way we possibly can. Proudly serving the veterans who have served 

The Veteran's Outreach Center

The CNYVOC is the signature program of UCD. Working towards becoming a one-stop facility in Utica for Veterans residing throughout Central New York.

Contact Us

Veterans Outreach Center: Northern NY
On October 1, 2013 the UCD began offering services to Northern New York. Today we have an office located in Watertown, NY, and our staff is second to none in the North country for helping Veterans and their families.

Contact Us

Catskill Veterans Outreach Center
Located in Dehli, NY - this project will move fast to provide the Catskill region with the same benefits as the CNYVOC and the NNYVOC.

Contact Us

Please help support our local community, and those who have served and continue to serve our country.

Our Partners

(315) 765-0975
(315) 601-4662